Under the circumstances...

This is just a note to let you know that this is my journal. I say things here that I might not say out loud to friends or family. I don't expect anyone to respond althought it is nice. I myself don't always have time to read or respond to my friends blogs. If you want to comment on something that you read, please us the Chatter at me? link. I will definitely see that where I might not see it in your blog. I try to do the same for others that have such links. Hugs and kisses to you all. Jen C

I promise I am not a procrastinator. I just don't want to do it right now!




Claire aka Aurie



Deb S


Jenni J

Kathy J





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Thursday, October 25

This is just a note to say that I don't have time to write a note. I have been so busy the last few days that I haven't been home but a total of 1 hour. And that is here and there. My mother has hurt her back and is on bed rest for 4 days, so I have been getting her medication and running errands for her.

I am still around just not too much. See ya'll later.

posted by Jen C on 1:36 PM | link | Chatter at me?

Friday, October 19

Not true, but cute anyway.

To: Albert Gore

Dear Al:

We found some more votes. You won. When do you want to take over?


George W. Bush

posted by Jen C on 9:07 PM | link | Chatter at me?

Below is a moral question for you. This is an imaginary situation, but I think you will find it beneficial to think through this exercise.

The situation:

You are in the Middle East, and there is a huge flood in progress. Many homes have been lost, water supplies compromised and structures destroyed.

You're a freelance photographer for a news service, you're traveling alone, looking for particularly poignant scenes that you can shoot.

You come across Usama Bin Laden who has been swept away by the floodwaters.

He is barely hanging on to a tree limb and is about to go under.

You have to make a choice:

You can either put down your camera and save him, or take a Pulitzer Prize winning photograph of him as he loses his grip on the limb.

So, here's the question . . . and think carefully before you answer it:

Which lens would you use?

posted by Jen C on 9:06 PM | link | Chatter at me?

I found these funny. Hope you enjoy.

According to the Alaska Department of Fish and game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December.

Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to every historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, every single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen had to be a girl.

We should've known. Only women would be able to drag a fat man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night, and not get lost.

posted by Jen C on 9:04 PM | link | Chatter at me?

Tuesday, October 9

I am having a better day. I got distracted when my husband came home on Sunday. Lets see. I was crying over the funeral procession and the war. I got the lamp and some pick me up chocolate :). I got home, and the lamp wasn't as tall as I wanted, but it will work for now. The kids were driving me nuts because they had colds and weren't feeling good and wanted to be held. Darren said that he was going to be home by 5. I told him that if he was late that I wouldn't worry. Sometimes you can forget time when you are at the farm. I get a phone call at about 6:15 from Dave. He is Darren's boss at the Guard. He wanted Darren to come in the next day (Monday). I am just the wife. I am not told anything, even if I ask, so I just said that I would give Darren the message and we hung up. I went into a full blown panic. I know, I know, but I have never had to deal with anything remotely like this before and it scared me. I called my neighbor (Debbie) who is one of the best friends I have, and she came over and we talked as I am feverishly cleaning up my house. I clean when I am upset. I finally calmed down and decided to wait to panic after Darren had talked to his boss. I also decided not let Darren know what was going on with me. I wanted to be strong for him, ya know? Anyway, he called Dave back and was told that since it was a holiday for the government, that a lot of people were gone and they needed to get some planes out. So they were calling in people to just help for that day. So he went and worked and they worked him hard. He didn't get home til after 7. We talked and there is a chance that he will have to go somewhere for 60 days. But... He would almost definitely be here in the US.

So I am not as panicked as I was. LOL, now I can panic over the prospect of having to take care of 3 very lively boys for 2 months by myself!!

posted by Jen C on 11:30 AM | link | Chatter at me?

Cyndi, you are a genius. I am definitely going to try that with my Austin. I am willing to try just about anything.

posted by Jen C on 11:17 AM | link | Chatter at me?

Sunday, October 7

My day: I am going to be very methodical about this or I will loose it. Yesterday we went to several places looking for floor lamps. Never did find one. My neighbor is my shopping consultant. She goes everywhere and sees lots of different things, so if I can't find something she usually knows where to point me. So I call her and ask her to be on the lookout for me. Darren and I trade off days on the weekend. He gets to sleep in one, and I get to sleep in the other. So she jokingly asks if I want her to call me in the am before church if she remembers any stores with lamps. We kid back and forth about it and I tell her no that I want to sleep. Well I had also told my mother that I was looking for them, so she was looking for them for me too. So who calls me this am at 7:30 on my day to sleep in? My mother. I forgot to tell her that it was my day to sleep in. Oh well. I did get to go back to sleep for about another hour.

So I get up and look at the paper and there is the ad for lamps. Darren is going to his parents with Justin today because his dads pond has a leak they need to fix. Justin is the only one without a cold. My neighbor Debbie wanted to go and get an early Christmas present for her kids and wanted to know if she could leave her kids at home and me check in on them. No prob. She got home and watched my kids while they napped so that I could go get the lamp so it all worked out.

Little fact about me. If I don't like something, I won't remember it. I really don't like what happened on the 11th so I have kinda put it in the back of my mind and not thought on it a whole lot. But there are moments when it just really hits me hard. So I am on the way to the store, and my favorite radio station is not playing songs. It is one of those Clear Channel Relief things. So whenever a news breakthrough comes in, it switches to news. So all I am hearing is that we launched our first attack on Afghanistan today. And they went on and on about it and there was this reporter actually there and she was telling what was going on from her perspective and it really hit me that we are at war! And then a funeral procession goes by. I don't know about elsewhere, but here in Tennessee if a funeral procession is going by, I don't care if it is across a median in the road, you pull over until the entire thing has passed. So here I am sitting on the side of the road listening to news from the warfront and watching a funeral procession go by with flags waving all over the place. I just started crying. It was one of those moments that everything becomes very real to me.

posted by Jen C on 7:51 PM | link | Chatter at me?

Thursday, October 4

You know, sometimes you just have to say 'This moment is for me!' I have tried and tried to get here to blog, but it always seemed that there was something else that needed to be done or looked at.

Let's see... What has been happening? I have been copying all of the Star Trek TNG episodes that TNT is playing this week. I love that show, and cannot wait to dig in and watch them. Went to my mother-in-laws family reunion on Sunday. That is great. Her family lives all over the west and once a year they all get together at the campground near where they all grew up. Everyone comes for 5 days and Darren and the kids and I go up on Sunday to see everyone. I love his family. Tues we went to my mother's for dinner. Wednesday I went to the Apple Orchard on a field trip with Austin. The entire Kindergarten class was learning about Johnny Appleseed. The Apple Orchard is just what it says. We got to pick apples and make cider.

Tonight was parent teacher confrences with the teachers. I need some advice. Austin has a problem with whining. He whines when he doesn't get his way. He whines when he has trouble doing something, such as tie his shoe. I have tried taking away things... TV, dessert, going outside, computer time, friends over... I have tried time outs, spanking, pretending I don't hear him... Nothing works. I have started telling him when he starts to whine that I won't help him if he whines. That when he can ask me for help without whining, I will help him. But how does that work when he is whining because he isn't getting his way? I am almost at my wits end. I don't know what to do next. Any ideas?

Tomorrow I am going to my oral surgeons. I have what is called Tempral Mandible Joint (TMJ). Well actually we all have them, but mine is giving me problems. Sometimes my jaw locks up and I either cannot open my mouth, or I cannot close it. I can massage it and get it working again, but it is very painful. Dr. Hollis says that it is dislocating and when my jaw pops, it is putting itself back in place. Right before and during the Convention, I was having trouble opening my mouth. When I saw the Dr. he put me on a 2 day all liquid diet, and then for the next 2 weeks, I wasn't supposed to eat anything that I couldn't strain through a fork. I could eat soft foods only. No meats. Do you know how hard that is? I never realized just how much meat I do eat until this happened. I know for a fact that I clench my jaw at night. I can put a cough drop in the roof of my mouth at night, and in the morning it is in the same place and it is the same size. I can now open my mouth farther, so it is much better, but my jaw still pops and is painful at times. I am going to ask him to make me a soft splint to wear at night. Hopefully that will keep me from clenching my jaw.

More on fundraisers... I got a packet 2 days after the Fun Run. In it were these forms for me to fill out with info on friends and family members. They said that we were not selling them magizines. We were just giving names to other people who will try to sell them magazines. I just cracked up as I took it to the trash. Talk about putting people on the spot! 'Yes I am so and so calling from blankety blank. Austin gave us your name and we are calling for his school to sell you ...' I don't think so. I have had people give out my name. I know it ticks me off. I sure won't do it to someone else. I don't know what else is in store for us to sell. I think I will take it to my mother and that is it. I mean, we are in a young neighborhood. Everyone here has kids. How do I know this? Because they ignore the No Soliciting sign on my front door and ring anyway. I try not to answer those rings. Thank goodness for peep holes. That may sound harsh, but I don't have the money to feed the neighborhood so to speak.

Whew, now I am going to go and check out the boards. Yeah, I finally got to post!!! *G* See Ya.

posted by Jen C on 10:39 PM | link | Chatter at me?

Saturday, September 29

I decided to take this test that Dana found at Kathy's. Heehee now I am going to get my husband to take it.

About Sensuality
Sensuality is to be acutely aware of what the senses perceive. This preoccupation or devotion to that which is smelled, touched, heard, tasted, and seen has some bearing on how one experiences life…and sex.

Studies have shown that people who are exceptionally sensual are very process-oriented. In life, this means enjoying the present moment and not always being hung up on the future or the past. What is going on around at the present moment is enough to capture the sensual individuals full attention. This is an excellent recipe for happiness. In matters of sex, being process-oriented means NOT being driven by the goal of orgasm. Instead it means enjoying sex for the experience itself, basking in the actual act and not driving to a climactic finish.

Results of the Sensuality Test
Sensuality Index
Your score = 78

What does your score mean?
You are one sensual human being! You are titillated by the sensual stimuli of everyday life. The smell of flowers, the sensation of silk against the skin, the taste of food, the sound of music, and the rich colors of life tickle and tease you to ecstasy. Yours is a hedonistic attitude, and you deeply enjoy the physical pleasures that life has to offer. This is great-a good smell or beautiful color is often enough to keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

You are into long, emotional lovemaking (which is usually followed by an earth-shattering orgasm). This is fabulous for you and one would wager that your partner doesn't mind either!

Your senses are also inextricably linked to your emotions and certain sensual stimuli can evoke strong feelings. Therefore you tend to be emotionally passionate.

Because you get so much pleasure from your senses, you are eager to experiment in life. This is positive since you can make great discoveries and experience a lot of pleasure. However, being pleasure-driven can sour you from persevering if an experience isn't entirely pleasant. If that's your case, your lack of persistence might be keeping you from attaining worthy goals (sometimes it is necessary to wade through dull and insipid periods of life).

But most importantly, remember that 'too much of a good thing' can be harmful. People who delight is sensual pleasures are at a slightly increased risk for addictions (substance, sex, love, etc.). So keep yourself in check. Careless sex, too much chocolate, and fine wine can all be wonderful in reasonable doses. And though they induce pleasure, too much can lead to your demise.

All in all, you have the innate ability to use your senses to enjoy what this life has to offer!

posted by Jen C on 10:06 PM | link | Chatter at me?

Friday, September 28

Ever have one of those days when you feel as though you are walking in a fog? That has been my day. Got everyone off to school, and went to my mothers with Nathan to set up her printer. I looked at the two disks that came with it, and I swear to you that the green one is the one that she needed to use. At least I swore that for 1hr until I read the blue one for the millionth time and it finally registered that it said Windows ME and the green one said Windows 2000. Argh!! Got that all set up and came home. Nathan fell asleep on the way home at around 11:00. He slept till 1:30 so I got to catch up on some shows that I had copied FROM LAST SEASON!! I mean these were the season finalies. I definitely wanted to see the end before I saw the beginning. (whining) Is that too much to ask??? So the time completely gets away from me, and I find myself going out the door at 2:15 to pick up the kids only to remember that my 4 yr. old got out of preschool at 2. I am rushing to pick him up. Hoping that his teacher is keeping him and not putting him in the afterdaycare. That place is expensive!! Fortunately, he had just gotten to afterdaycare so they said that I didn't owe anything. I got home and it seemed as if all of ME? just deflated. I collapsed with exhaustion. I don't know what the problem was but I couldn't keep my eyes open. Darren actually thought I was sick. I think I slept on the couch for 3 hrs. I feel better now, but still kinda foggish.

Do any of you have kids? Do any of you participate in fundraisers? Austin had a fun run today. You were supposed to pledge so much per lap. Darren got all of the info on it while I was in Williamsburg, and he forgot to give it to me until the day before the run. How do you feel about asking others for money for your kids schools? I feel uncomfortable. I remember doing it as a child and I didn't seem to care. I don't know. Darren refused to be involved in it. He feels that he pays taxes for that kind of thing. That we shouldn't have to raise money as well. That is the schools responsibility. But then I feel bad because Austin won't be participating as much as some of the other kids. He won't be eligible for any of the prizes. Regardless, I will some way donate a lump some instead of pledging, but I want other opinions on what you go through or feel about fund raisers for schools.

posted by Jen C on 9:05 PM | link | Chatter at me?

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