This is just a note to let you know that this is my journal. I say things here that I might not say out loud to friends or family. I don't expect anyone to respond althought it is nice. I myself don't always have time to read or respond to my friends blogs. If you want to comment on something that you read, please us the Chatter at me? link. I will definitely see that where I might not see it in your blog. I try to do the same for others that have such links. Hugs and kisses to you all. Jen C
I promise I am not a procrastinator. I just don't want to do it right now! |
Tuesday, December 19Ok, I was feeling better last night. Very clear head (I mean sinus) and the meds were coming out of my system. Then this morning, I feel like a jack hammer has taken up residence again. And the bad thing is, I am unable to take so many medicines (because they knock me out) that I can't take anything until closer to my kids nap time. Ever taken something that made you sleepy and you had small kids? Falling asleep is not advised. Sometimes they are great...Mommy doesn't feel good, lets be quiet...Other times they are little quiet, we don't want mommy to hear. I have even fallen asleep on the sofa and woken up, only to be told....Mommy you aren't supposed to wake up! Go back to sleep! (while he is hiding his hand behind his back) Kids...they are definately smarter than we think. Speaking of which, mine are too quiet and I think that I had better go check on them. When they prefer to play in their room rather than watch TV, something is up.posted by Jen C on 8:10 AM | link | Chatter at me?
Deb, you have got to check out Whazzup today! I was getting caught up on your blog and just happened to go to his site and there you were! *G* Sounds like something I might have said once upon a time..... posted by Jen C on 7:41 AM | link | Chatter at me?
Dr. Demento's Delights is exactly what I was trying to think of. Thank you for saving my sanity. Wasen't that song on a show or movie though? I can't remember where I heard it. posted by Jen C on 7:29 AM | link | Chatter at me?
Monday, December 18Hey All!! I am feeling reeeeaaaaallllll good right now. I am on meds and feeling no pain. Loopy land has nothing on me. What is that song about the funny farm? Oooohhh that bugs me. I will have to do some research now. Well maybe later. I just got caught up with all but 2 Trixie sites, and am going to try to read the blogs tonight. Well after Roswell that is. Yes, I know a 27 year old with a teeny show addiction. But have you seen Jason Behr lately? Mmmmm..... Yummy isn't the word I am looking for, but it will have to do.posted by Jen C on 4:51 PM | link | Chatter at me?